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Customer Testimonials

Be Your Best Self

"When I first met Geraldine I was going through a separation, feeling depressed. I went for a massage and possibly a natural anti-depressant and came away with so much more. Geraldine is very intuitive when it comes to reading the body energies. She could pin point a problem simply by touch and suggest an appropriate herbal treatment. Her knowledge of natural medicine is astounding. Her passion for nature is infectious. As we walked through her property she would talk about the way the earth grew the exact plant it needed to heal. Amidst this pandemic the earth has shown its ability to regenerate cleaner air and clearer water. People like Geraldine can lead the way into maintaining a sustainable future. She teaches that by walking barefoot or digging our hands in the soil we discover that we are one with the earth. Through the fragrances of the plants, the songs of the birds and the soft glow of the moon we connect to the energies of the planet and learn the value of protecting it."


In 2011 after 8 weeks in hospital I was on my death bed. The doctors had run out of solutions. Geraldine was my go to person for natural health solutions and so I was discharged into her care. Within 3 weeks I made a dramatic change for the good. After a journey through many different uses of natural medicines I managed to get my life back! I know who my "Angel" is that the lord sent to me.


I have yet to meet anyone with the range of knowledge both learned and natural, than Geraldine. She applies her knowledge to all aspects of good health including the environment. 
Geraldine has more than a good bedside manner. Along with her knowledge she adds compassion, kindness and a very important great sense of humour. 
One of the really nice things about Geraldine is that she is completely authentic. Exactly how she is as a healing practitioner she is in her daily life. A very natural lady.


Testimonials: Testimonials
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